Pesquisa de Rádio GMDSS | SOLAS - IV

GMDSS Radio Search | SOLAS - IV



We are certified to perform annual GMDSS radio surveys by the Lloyd's Register classification society. GMDSS radio inspection includes annual certification for: EPIRB, SART, SSAS, AIS and APT for Headway brand SVDR-VDR, all tests are performed, proven and issued with test report according to each system tested.


AIS - Teste Anual do Sistema de Identificação Automática | IMO MSC 1/Circ. 1252

AIS - Annual Test of the Automatic Identification System | IMO MSC 1/Circ. 1252

We perform annual AIS testing with test report issuance in accordance with Solas and IMO Regulations.


Teste Anual do Epirb | IMO MSC/Circ. 1040

Annual Epirb Test | IMO MSC/Circ. 1040



Annual Epirb test and test report issue reporting epirb performance and test result at 406Mhz and 121.5MHz.


Teste Anual de Transponder de Radar (ITU-R M.628-4)

Annual Radar Transponder Test (ITU-R M.628-4)


Annual AIS test report with test report issuance.


APT - Teste Anual de Desempenho em SVDR/VDR Headway

APT - Annual SVDR/VDR Headway Performance Test


We also carry out installation, preventive maintenance, repair and commissioning on different brands of SVDR and VDR, consulting with us for verification.


Inspeção EPTA - CINDACTA / Autoridade Aeronáutica 

EPTA Inspection - CINDACTA / Aeronautical Authority


Certified by DECEA (CET), Costa Marine Eletrônica Naval is authorized to accompany the EPTA inspections, category M and C with the authority of CINDACTA. We provide the necessary configurations and prepare the equipment that will be inspected according to the CAP issued.